Wir sind seit Juni 2024 Teil der SPIEGLTEC Gruppe und freuen uns, dadurch weiter wachsen zu können und unser Leistungsangebot zu erweitern.
Demnächst treten wir hier auch in neuem Design auf, also schauen Sie am besten regelmäßig vorbei!

Engineering - Industrial Facilities

    The planning process plays a key role in plant construction. Its quality significantly influences factors such as time and costs up to construction of the plant and trouble-free operation. Unnecessary time and cost savings in planning often lead to increased total investment costs as well as problems during installation and operation of the plant.

    As an independent engineering company, we carry out numerous planning tasks from the various phases of process plant construction.


    1. Inventories and process analyses
    2. Concept studies
    3. Evaluation of solution variants
    4. Creation of basic and process diagrams according to common standards
    5. Installation concepts in 2D & 3D
    6. Lists & data sheets (including material flows, main preparations)

Basic Engineering (Design planning)

    1. 3D-Design planning (pipelines, equipment, steel construction, cable routes)
    2. Creation of P&I flow diagrams according to common standards
    3. Preparation of detailed component lists and data sheets (including pipelines, apparatus & machines, fittings, MSR components)
    4. Pipe class generation
    5. Preparation of process and plant descriptions
    6. Clean room concept
    7. Ex zone plan
    8. Preparation of tender documents and service specifications

Detail Engineering

    1. Detailed piping planning
    2. Skid planning
    3. Creation of piping isometrics suitable for assembly
    4. Preparation of installation and piping plans
    5. Steel construction master plans
    6. Parts lists

Other engineering services

    1. Compilation/ verification of operator documentation
    2. Creation + maintenance of complete 3D model (all trades)
    3. Implementation of qualification and validation measures
    4. Assistance with commissioning